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Did you know there's different types of energy healing?
Many healers experience side effects from working with others. Those side effects include the loss of energy, health problems, sudden changes of mood, negative or distructive consequenses in personal life. If your higher calling is to work with healing you need to avoid those side effects. In order to do that you must learn theory, proper technique, necessary precausions and receive enough practice. To diagnose and heal others is a great responsibility. You are also responsible for your own health and well-being, otherwise your problems can make you less effective and even transfer to your patient.
To learn all about spiritual healing text Master Sorapis at: 405-889-1332
Learn Healing
This product is an instruction session. Group sessions can be purchased as a live instruction via zoom or as a recorded session via video link. The pricing is the same. Any live instruction depends on availability and scheduling. Individual sessions pricing varies. For more information please text 405-889-1332